Detalo Performance™ – Carbon Monoxide Rebreather
Blood Volume Measurement for Athletes
The Detalo Performance™ is an instrument designed to help measure blood volume by the means of carbon monoxide rebreathing. Blood volume is a critical parameter for athletic performance in disciplines such as cycling, running, and rowing. The device helps coaches and athletes to understand the effects of specific training programs. The precise assessment of blood volume enables coaches to optimize training strategies with the ultimate aim to increase exercise performance.
The device is not a medical product but is certified to medical safety standards (IEC 60601-1 and IEC 62304 for medical devices). The device does not serve a medical purpose and does not diagnose, treat or monitor illnesses or disease.
The Detalo Performance™ is the only automised carbon monoxide rebreather in the world and is based on a patented technology.

Key benefits of the Detalo Performance™ device
- Automatically administration of test gas dose
- Continuous O2 administrated ensuring unrestricted breathing sensation.
- Intuitive software for all measurement stages, which enables the operator to focus on athlete comfort.
- Blood volume results ready as soon as blood sample data are entered into software.
- Multiple layers of safety functions to keep the athlete safe at all times.
- Full software support of all commonly used CO re-breathing protocols.
Used by Top Athletes and Clinical Scientists
Detalo Performance™ is used by leading Olympic organizations as well as renowned scientist trying to understand how a large variety of external factors affect human blood volume.
The device is developed for research and development purposes and only available to professional organisations.

Detalo Blood Volume Analyzers
The Detalo instruments automatically determine total blood volume, red blood cell volume and plasma volume in humans in a rapid, safe and precise manner.
The Detalo Performance is intended to be used for athletes and science. The Detalo Clinical is a CE marked medical device in the European Union and is available in selected key markets. Please contact us for more information or a quotation.